Trying to go ‘zero waste’ in a highly consumable and disposable society is an uphill journey, even if you’re a seasoned parent. Becoming a new parent in the midst of it all has a steep learning curve of its own.
Whether you’re expecting or adopting, people are always going to tell you their two cents about how much a child costs and all the stuff that’s going to consume your life. It does not have to be that way though.
I felt that impending pressure of a culture telling me I need this, that and all the things in between for the new baby on the way. I quickly realized we didn’t have the money, space or peace of mind for all this hypothetical stuff.
We decided, well I decided, to try this whole ‘zero waste’ thing in the midst of my first pregnancy. We were pretty frugal and minimal already so it seemed easy enough.
I asked myself, ‘where do I even begin as a zero waste parent?’ Should I write down all the trash we throw out, gently known as a trash audit. Do I buy all the zero waste products seen on social media? I figured there were simpler ways to start than having all my garbage in a mason jar.
Some things don’t have to be so complicated.
Let me share the five main ways I went zero waste as a new parent.
Going zero waste as a new parent
HAVE AN ECO FRIENDLY BABY SHOWER. Register for the big things you’ll need and let people know they can buy used items. Those expensive natural baby toys and products…registry! Then your guests would only get you what you truly want & need. Don’t be afraid to be specific! Invite them to leave gifts unwrapped or brought in a basket you could use. Instead of cards, have them find books and write inscriptions in them. Beginning before baby arrives is GREAT way to get a head start. SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE BRnds
CLOTH DIAPER. If you’re hardcore about being environmentally conscious, cloth diapering is a no brainer. “The estimated generation of disposable diapers in 2018 was 4.1 million tons, which was 1.4 percent of total MSW generation that year.” (source)
Disposables are not an sustainable way to diaper babies anymore. Not for the planet and certainly not for your wallet. Just a couple of generations ago, all they had was cloth diapers! Yes, it is a bit more work, but it quickly becomes second nature. Putting those on your registry too is a wonderful investment to save money (and the earth!). Sometimes you can even find cloth diapers secondhand. We found some really great ones that have lasted us through two babies!
MAKE YOUR OWN PRODUCTS. There are plenty of baby products out there from laundry detergent to powder that is way more affordable homemade. It’s usually a natural alternative and works five times better. This is where buying certain things in bulk will definitely save you money, cut down on packaging waste, and reduce carbon emissions from multiple grocery trips.

Being a conscious consumer
BUY SECONDHAND. I bought just about everything secondhand clothes and gear wise. For baby and for me. Buying new seemed silly because they grow out of clothes within a month. Purchasing what’s already been made and gently used is one of the EASIEST ways to waste less. If you’re not buying new, more isn’t being manufactured, transported, packaged, etc. It’s an excellent way to vote with your dollar! Only buying what you NEED at that moment is another useful tip to not be overwhelmed with stuff then ditching it after realizing you never really needed it in the first place.
BUY MINDFULLY. Staying cognitive of our purchases and consumption is the key to all of this. When you do need to buy something brand new, find an affordable eco-friendly option that suits your needs. Something that will last and could be recycled or reused elsewhere in your home when its purpose is complete. Another option is to resell it or donate it to a local pregnancy center.
RESIST THE BUYING URGE ALL TOGETHER & DONT GIVE UP! This seems simple enough but there will be times where we want to toss in the towel and be done with it. But we mustn’t! The more people make better choices, the more change will occur.
More grace, less waste
Nesting is a VERY real experience and trying to resist the urge to buy all the things will be tough. Instead, gear that impulse toward getting the space you have ready. Cleaning, organizing, tidying what you already have is enough to ease the anticipation. Having a strong mindset and determination is huge part of the whole journey, zero waste and parenting alike.
Starting from the get go is simpler, in my opinion, than starting half way through. There are plenty of ways to reduce waste and it begins with the desire to do so! It takes practice to make progress and being a conscious consumer is a helpful tool. We need to build these habits into our routine alongside learning how to be a new parent. These habits will stick with us and ultimately be passed down to our children. Why not leave this earth better than when we arrived? After all, we’ll be leaving it to them when we’re gone!
Let’s waste less in gratitude friends,