Hey there! I’m Tayler, a lifestyle blogger committed to sustainable, non-toxic and eco conscious living as a parent. I love to zoom in on how to achieve a low impact lifestyle in a simple way without spending too much money on over-marketed and over-priced ‘zero waste’ items.
As well as sustainability, this blog is built on the foundations of slow, simple, and intentional living. In order to have a low impact lifestyle, you have to dive deep into why you want to live that way.
That’s why I’m here, because I’m so passionate about those three aspects in life, I decided to write a blog about it!
Cultivating a simpler, slower way of life has ignited such joy in me that I strive to put this into all aspects of my life. Doing each daily task, each craft project with intention and purpose has driven me to become the woman I am today.
I grew up with a single mom who always was living frugally. Also growing up with Filipino family, we were very thrifty and resourceful. My grandmother was always saving butter tubs and glass jars. So the zero waste mindset was ingrained in me at an early age.
Then when I was in middle school. I was diagnosed with UC which quickly began my natural living journey. I realized food and everyday toxins like stress and lack of whole foods was something I needed to change. I found Wise Traditions & Weston A Price when I met my husband, and thank God I did because that was my saving grace. I learned to cook and prepare food properly as I became a homemaker. I learned how toxic plastic, cleaning and toiletries chemicals are to the environment and our health. I finally understood how all of this cumulatively effected my mental and gut health.
Now I bare feet as often as possible, get as much outdoor time as I can and eat from the earth as nature and God intended.
Ever changing and learning, I’m currently working toward building our first homestead with my husband. We recently bought a small home in small town Idaho and with our tiny plot of just under a quarter acre we’re creating our victory garden and learning all we can about animal husbandry!
I love to dip my toes in so many things. From playing guitar to using a loom, my creativity is endless. My favorite hobbies would definitely be sewing, reading/writing, singing, and drinking all kinds of tea. I also enjoy hiking, going to church and doing yoga, all things that bring me closer to God!
Which is how we ended up on the path that we currently walk. Nature has been the doorway to a nourishing life filled with abundance and bliss.
I created this blog to encourage people to find that same bliss through simple and accesible natural, non toxic living.
Follow along on our journey as our home becomes more sustainable and our LIFE GETS GREENER!