At one point, the wooden spoon I’m mixing my sons oatmeal with was a tree. It was a living, breathing organism that has magically been made to now stir a toddlers food in this pot. It’s wild to think that it once lived in the forest. I used to take that sort of thing for granted, not appreciating its life or history. Now, as a full time, joyful homemaker, I LOVE my kitchen utensils. Especially the beautiful wooden ones. I should treat them as such right? I need to moisturize them just as I need to moisturize my own skin. Otherwise, they crack, splinter, break and become useless to me. I don’t want to take advantage of my wooden utensils and products anymore. I want them to live a long and happy life. So here’s my recipe for a non toxic, homemade board balm.
Why do I need to use wood conditioner?
Since wood is an organic material it acts as such. It needs to be cared for! Especially if used frequently because all the water logging that occurs when washing dries it out just as our skin does. It’s something that will help the longevity of your wooden items. Ultimately, saving you time and money.
I used to just recycle my old wooden spoons then bought more like most people do. I never knew I needed to oil them and keep them conditioned. No longer will be consuming blindly! That’s why I found a good mix of household items I already have and made a board balm that is non toxic AND affordable!

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Board Balm/ Wood Conditioner Recipe
4 T. Coconut oil
1 oz beeswax **
1 T olive oil
Glass jar
Double boiler ***
**If using a bar of beeswax, like I did, be sure to cut it up beforehand to help the melting go quicker
***if you don’t have a double boiler, place a glass, heat proof bowl over a pot of water

Heat water to a light boil/ simmer
Add beeswax and begin to melt that down for about two minutes
Add coconut oil
Mix around as best you can
Add olive oil
Mix contents continually for 10-15 minutes or until beeswax is completely melted
Quickly pour into glass jar (it solidifies fast!)
Let cool down completely then cover and store in a cool dark place keeps for about 3 months, although mine didn’t last that long!

Cheers to the life of your wooden items!
Do you have a favorite wooden product in your kitchen?