Spoiler alert, it was positive. I took the test. The only test I will take without a right or wrong answer. Only hope. Hope for the answer I want. The answer that will grow our family. A natural pregnancy has blessed our family once more.
This will be our third baby. First in Idaho, and hopefully, first born in our home. I have different plans for this baby because we are in a different place in our life and the ideas I’ve always had in my heart may just finally unfold with this baby.
I had beautiful, natural, unmedicated births with my first two. I’ll share those stories more in depth with this new journey that I am letting the world in on.
For now, we’ll stick to our newest creation.
Thank you, God.
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The first trimester of natural pregnancy
Now, I’m calling this pregnancy a natural pregnancy because I plan to not have any ultrasounds, maybe go past 41 weeks if needed and wait to find out the gender until the birth itself. My goal is to make this somewhat primitive because pregnancy and birth is as old as time, even older I’d say. I want this to just be a natural occurrence of life and God so that’s what makes this a ‘natural pregnancy’. Other than trying to keep our home sustainable and with the earth in mind, this baby isn’t going to need very much right away except the love of our family and milk from my body.
& Onward we go!
My body doesn’t start doing typical pregnancy things until month two. The first month is really just a waiting period for the coming two months of major fatigue and nausea that never amounts to actual vomiting.
In the first month, I am sure to cut out all caffeine and I REALLY watch my sugar intake. Because lately all I want is dark chocolate covered almonds and sourdough bread. I even had to eliminate decaf coffee because it doesn’t sit well right now.
I don’t drink ginger ale because…if you didn’t know, there isn’t any real ginger in it. So I steep fresh ginger with dried chamomile in a large jar outside to make sun tea (recipe coming soon) then I add a touch of honey and chill it.
We’re in the summer months here in central Idaho and it is HOT. Being pregnant also just makes the heat that much more intolerable. Having something cold to sip on is refreshing after time in the garden.
I also hydrate a crazy amount and increase my raw milk intake. Increasing nutrient dense foods too, like eggs and beef have been helpful in combating the fatigue.
I will be finding a prenatal vitamin that is food based because I know for the first three months, I have a serious meat aversion. Preferably, I try to get my vitamins and minerals from food. However, since most of them come from meat I need to supplement.
I plan to grab some ancestral supplements as well. I’ll try liver and fish eggs because those have a lot of benefits for pregnancy and since I won’t eat them often, I’ll just throw them back in capsule form!
Taking naps when I can and going to sleep early is one of my main priorities. The fatigue is so very prominent and it’s taking over my brain and body. I’ll nap with my littlest when he goes down and I put on a dvd show, usually two or three episodes, for my toddler.
However, yesterday something incredible happened…he just laid down and took a nap with us!!! I couldn’t believe it. It’s been years since that has happened.

Another major change is that I’m being extremely, and overly, gracious with myself. I always pushed too hard in my first trimesters with my last two because I hate to be unproductive. Although, this time, with all my resting, I’m surprisingly ready to knock out some chores when I get up.
Being gentle on myself during the pregnancy
My first month is a lot of resting, hydrating, calling the appropriate midwives and PT people if I need it, and being sure to eat as much meat as I can before the smell makes me want to drive to a different city.
I try to keep moving as much as I can. The garden is in full swing right now and soon there will be MUCH more to harvest. For now, it’s a simple zucchini to pluck, green beans to collect. Our snap peas are done along with some herbs from early spring. Lots of walking up and down the stairs, still the same homemaking routines around here.
Not much changes when I’m the first month of a natural pregnancy. Maybe just so dietary adjustments and extra water intake.
Months two and three are the hard months. They are the ones when I need to use the TV the most and are so unproductive that I’m trying to get a bunch of things done now before that time comes.
Simultaneously, I’m really trying not to worry myself too much with how much tv or making meals in advance for the nights where it’s hard-boiled eggs and apricots.
The gentleness of this natural pregnancy has been much needed for me. Motherhood feels very overwhelming right now, if I’m being honest. My husband works and goes to school full time. I have no family around me to help out with anything. We certainly can’t afford to hire any form of help.
So, it’s all on me, and lately, pre pregnancy, it’s been feeling very heavy. I can feel the massiveness on my shoulders and it’s ruining my posture.
This pregnancy has helped me feel less heavy though. I’m not sure if it’s the hormones making my brain completely lose all sight of anything that will stress me out. Whatever it is, this gentle and slow time during my third natural pregnancy has been crucial.
I’ve needed it and I’ve missed it. I can’t wait to meet this little spud growing within me.
In gratitude,

[…] In the many blessings of health and two beautiful, healthy, wild boys. Now, we are blessed again with another baby. In this natural pregnancy, I’m fully committed to this diet and nourishment. Thus far, it’s […]