I’m currently reading Little House on the Prairie. For the first time in my life. Seriously. We never read it in school, I didn’t ever think twice about it growing up. Recently, building a homestead and pioneering out west away from the east coast I’ve come to know so well, I feel like Laura Ingalls in the back of that covered wagon. Well, I actually feel more like Ma Ingalls because I have two small children to tend to. Although, I certainly had a choice in the matter.
I bought this book for fifty cents at my old library job at a community college in New Jersey. I felt I should have it on my shelf since it’s a classic American novel. Thinking, ’I’ll read it one of these days’, just like the other hundred books awaiting my attention.
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Frankly, this is probably one of the saddest books I own, condition wise. Chunks of it are falling out, I’ve taped a few pages already, and it’s taken me a month to get half way through. However, I’ve got to say, I really, really enjoy the book itself. its surprising and exciting. its modest and beautifully written. It’s just so stinking sweet.

As a busy homemaker, I’m still learning to wedge my interests back into my life. Reading, writing, sewing, music, crafting: All back burner hobbies for now. These days my hobbies are baking bread and gardening. Which I enjoy but I’m still learning to do those things.
But this month I’d like to tackle some things that are functional to my family yet enjoyable to my creative spirit.
- Sew a jumpsuit for my baby and maybe one for my toddler
- Begin a quilt draft to cover the hideous breaker box in our dining room
- Commit two days a week to blogging
- Finish little house on the prairie
Seems like a simple list right? I sure hope it is. April is a busy month. Planting, in-laws moving in, my sons birthday, my husbands new job. We have a lot going on and I can’t lose my marbles now just because I hate looking at the ugly great electrical panel all day.
What are you working on accomplishing this month? Anything creative?