Let’s talk about the one form of conservation that NO ONE is talking about in the sustainability bubble. Conservation of your energy, time, and attention. Ways to avoid burn out seem impossible is these bustling, non stop times we live in.
I have an 8 week old life growing womb side. During this very slow and sacred period, I have laid down more than I have in the last year and a half. My consumption of media and content on the internet is minimized and still, there’s more to pare down.
I am not measured by my productivity from anyone else but myself. My husband is completely supportive if there are dishes or no dinner ready at 530. We both understand that some days, especially now, I need to rest.
The slow living movement may be just another label but, for me, it’s really more of a regression to a simpler time that our past generations and even our ancestors led.
For a moment, pretend you are a light bulb. A fantastic LED, energy efficient light bulb. Shining bright and white and luminous in all corners of the dark you that you are lighting.
Let’s say now that you’re just left on. Forever. Never turned off. Never to stop shining and doing as you were meant to do.
What would happen?
You would BURN OUT.
Much faster than if you were to be shut off. Given a rest for a while. To conserve energy. Precious, renewable energy.
We as humans need to do the same.
We need to rest. Honor the Sabbath. Tune out of the world for a moment.
We are so plugged in constantly now and yes it is a wonderful blessing to be connected to any spot in the world that we want,
But that doesn’t mean that we have to.
The term ‘burn out’ has recently become an American phenomenon that doctors LITERALLY diagnose people with.
Think back to that light bulb analogy.
Are you kidding me?!
We’ve actually burned out.
Gone. Fin. The End.
Just look at the statistics for it.
How are we supposed to replace the light bulb inside of us?

Here are my thoughts…
Constantly replacing it maybe isn’t the answer.
Maybe, replenishment is.
Our eternal light that never goes out unless we stifle, starve, and snuff it out with the worldly, material things that we are taught matter.
My to do list doesn’t really matter if I can’t even get out of bed to do it.
The plastic vs. wooden toys are kaputt if I don’t even bother to enjoy my children playing with them or even join them in said play.
When I’m too tired or stressed out to grocery shop, the meal plan goes out the window.
None of that stuff is a priority if my light bulb is burnt out and I can’t even see what’s in front of me.
How do I replenish my light? How can I avoid burn out?
Take a break.
Pray. Meditate. Contemplate.
Sit in the silence and quiet.
Pause the world for a moment. It will still be there in ten minutes.
The self-sustainability practice that we don’t even realize if a form of sustainability.
We need to keep ourselves sustaining too as parents, mothers, fathers, students, whatever you are.
Our energy is renewable too and we can’t keep giving it away to useless comparisons and if onlys.

Living a slower life to avoid burn out
Today I had a slow day. A very slow day with little to no expectations. We spent about three hours just playing outside and not doing anything particularly productive.
I cooked a simple dinner and wiped the butts that needed it. I watered the gardens and fed the dogs. We did the chores we needed to. Overall, I rested.
And dang, do I feel renewed.
I have never been officially diagnosed with burn out, but I know myself well enough to know when I’m overwhelmed and on the verge of blowing a fuse.
Also, I stopped drinking as much coffee because I read a Chinese proverb recently which resonated a deeeeeep chord in me.
It was something along the lines of ‘coffee steals energy from tomorrow’.
And I thought ‘wow, well there goes today’s energy I never had, and tomorrows won’t be there either’. Plus, I know that it gets me into a cycle of drinking too much then it doesn’t work so I drink more, and that just isn’t sustainable in itself.
Besides some completely unsustainable coffee harvesting practices around the world, I’ll just pause the coffee intake until I can order from Deans Beans again.
Thus, I’m sitting here writing while drinking tea with an Emily Dickinson quote that reads “bring me the sunset in a cup”.
Thank you Emily, don’t mind if I do.
Instead of picking up the mess of Legos at my feet or finishing the dishes from dinner, I will take a rest and renew myself with a few things I find enjoyable. Maybe even watch an episode of something.
I will sleep so good tonight, I can’t wait.
I’ll renew to avoid burn out tomorrow too.
In restful gratitude,