For the Love of Littles – Slowing Down For a Minute

To do, to buy, to clean, to play, so..many…things. IT NEVER ENDS. Thats only in my head though. I can LITERALLY make it stop at any time. So I do. I take at least two ’breaks’ throughout the day. Lets talk Slowing Down for just a minute.

Sometimes the slow comes to us. In the form of congestion and seasonal change stuffy noses. This was our most recent circumstance of slowing down. No errands, no chores (because I’m mostly caught up), just music, open windows, the occasional adventure out back, and movies to cuddle up to. Relaxing. Eating soup and muffins. Not feeling pressured to meal prep or run to the store because were almost out of milk.

My first lattice, my toddler helped me roll the dough and make the apple filling

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I often forget that I can make all the busy-ness stop any time I’d like. But usually, I don’t like to because I was raised to go go go. My mother is the ultimate energizer bunny. She often says ’I don’t idle well’. Shes right, she really doesn’t.

It has taken me a long time to be able to ‘idle well’. Letting the dishes go. Not putting away the laundry immediately. Don’t get me wrong I’d love to go to bed every night knowing my dishes are done and my house is clean for the next morning. Thats just not the season I’m in. I’ve got small children, a husband who works full time and a house that I’m still getting used to cleaning.

After reading this article I felt compelled to write about my own experience in slow parenting because that’s probably the best way to describe my style, natural and slow. So, I began slowing down in all aspect’s pf my life.

natural toys for kids
Our first trip to hells gate state park

I’m not going to fall victim to my crippling anxiety because there are clothes in the dryer still and dog hair on the floor. I no longer want to lose sleep because I’m up late mopping the floor. I’m not going to fret about going to the mom groups and play dates. things will happen naturally and effortlessly this time.

I decided when I had my second son that I would not have PPD again. I would enjoy my tea while its hot with my son plays magnets in the morning. I’ll steady myself so that I don’t burn out. I want to stay present, not mindless and rushed.

Slow parenting is a new wave of parenting style, but it’s been around for centuries. think about that…just a few decades ago before the internet and mom groups. some families didn’t have any one to be with but each other. Our time here can be as simple as a little house on the prairie story.

How have you been slowing down this season?

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