When we think ‘natural birth’ the thought immediately goes to home births, doulas, no epidurals; those are all accurate thoughts that make perfect sense. When we hear the term ‘hospital birth’ that puts this weird cloud over it making it sound like one big medical intervention, and sometimes it is treated as such. But all women are perfectly capable of having natural birth in their local hospital with or without medical interventions (epidurals, Pitocin, etc).

As I began to think about having children, ideally I wanted it to be a home birth or a water birth. They both sound so romantic and simple. It sounded just right for me.
Well it didn’t work out that way for my first birth. Insurance didn’t cover doulas, home birth, water birth, and of that. So that was out. The hospital it was then!
Our local hospital has a specific ward for maternity and labor/delivery which eased my paranoid mind. I was worried they would try to induce me (they almost did, I’ll post both birth stories soon!), or force an epidural. Or worst of all (in my mind) tell me I had to have a C-section. None of those I wanted.
When my husband and I took the full tour, the staff said it was very ‘baby friendly’ which meant there were birthing balls, a tub to labor in, aromatherapy; all those good things you want to have while in labor.
You can have a perfectly natural birth anywhere, whether its your home, a hospital or the car. As long as you’re prepared and you have the will power, then you got this!
What You’ll Need For Labor
Essential Oils– Some hospitals may offer aromatherapy and essential oils, but I plan to bring my own because who knows what oils they actually have on hand and the quality of them. A few good ones to have are Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, I’ve also heard Clary Sage is great. I don’t own any of that but perhaps this birth I may try it!
Birthing Gown– This was just my personal preference. I wanted to find an all cotton dress that was actually MINE and didn’t make me feel like I was about to go into surgery. This was the one I found that was affordable and something I’d actually wear while pregnant and postpartum.
Reusable Water Cup– Simply because I’m on my zero waste journey and you WILL go through a lot of cups, especially post partum. Usually they’re Styrofoam too and I CANNOT stand Styrofoam.
Pillow/Blanket– These are good to have because they will help you feel more comfortable and at home. Something familiar like either one of these can help you to relax a bit during labor because as your having contractions the smell of your domain will send those calming chemicals to your brain saying ‘you’re in your own safe space’.
For Mama- Post Partum
Post Birth Dress- Two ideally just in case there’s a leak on one, you’ve got a clean one to switch into.
Pads– Big overnight, cotton ones, or reusables if you have some! Most hospitals have these but its nice to be over prepared in this department,
Big Mama Underpants/ Nursing Bras- You’re still going to be big right after birth so you’ll need those large underpants that aren’t as cute as we’d like them to be. And of course bras that you can nurse in, if you plan to do so. Just big undergarments in general will do.
Birth Plan- I just encourage having a plan so that the nurses or your support person has some idea of what you’d like this experience to be and how you want to handle certain things. You won’t be in a position to answer a bunch of questions so having the answers already thought of and written down helps everyone involved. Telling the nurses and OB’s ahead of time that you want to have a natural birth in the hospital shows them that you’re committed to that plan.
The Obvious But Important Items
Hair Brush, Chapstick, Hair ties- You’ll want and need them all. I didn’t bring chapstick or a hairbrush my first birth and I regretted it after the fact.
Phone Charger- Especially if this is your first! You’re going to take a million and one photos or your support person will. So someone needs to have a charged phone in the room!
Toothbrush/paste, Shampoo/conditioner- Another preference, hospitals usually provide this little toiletries. Like I mentioned earlier, I’m on my zero waste train so I’ve got to pick my battles and use what I have.

For Baby- Post Natal
Baby blanket/ Swaddle blanket– Hospitals will definitely give you the pink and blue receiving blankets to use as well. I just like to bring my own items for everyone so I don’t come back with anything more than when I came there. Except for my cuddly newborn 🙂
Baby clothes- Three outfits or so should be alright. You shouldn’t be in the hospital for more than two days if everything went as planned. But all those photos you want to take….you’re going to want that kid to be looking cute in them! Plus some places have a professional photographer come by and offer to do photos for a fee, so that’s an option too.
Cloth diapers- I cloth diapered my first from one week old to 20 months and I wouldn’t have it any other way. They’re affordable, better for the bum, and so gosh darn cute. This time it will be from birth on since I’m more seasoned in it. Along with the diapers you’ll want the wet bags and wipes as well! There will be many posts coming on cloth diapering!
Non toxic soap for first bath– I’m not even sure what kind of soap they use in the hospitals but I can guarantee its not my preferred kind. I’m sure it’s baby safe (hopefully), but that could still mean fragrances and other preservatives that I don’t want seeping into the fresh skin of my baby.
In Conclusion
It’s very easy to have a natural birth in the hospital. Bring you’re own stuff, prepare yourself and partner, and you’ll be good to go! A lot of these were personal preferences to ensure that I didn’t use any interventions and can deliver easily like my first birth.
Half of these I definitely don’t NEED, but being comfortable is probably the most important thing when at the hospital. Because that will help to relax your body and mind as you birth a human earth side. The comfortability and definitely the will power are the most important aspects. Sticking to your guns and refusing the drugs and interventions they sometimes encourage you to get will help you to feel empowered like it did for me. YOU are birthing this baby, NOT them. You should be able to have it the way you’d like, in your home or at the hospital!
I’d love to hear some stories of yours if you’ve already had babies or if you’re about to give birth (like me) then let me know what you’re doing to stay natural!
xoxo, Tayler