I have recently realized that I don’t make resolutions, I simply make lists. This year I made a more & less list. More movement, more water, more outdoor time, more creativity. Less complaining, less caffeine, less sugar, less clothes. These are just a few from my 2023 goal page. I highlight more creativity because this past year with moving, garden building, chicken learning, and honing in on my homemaking skills, creativity has taken a back seat. There have been moments of creative expression: cardboard toys, clothes, decorating.
This year I hope to open my creative kind again, but in different ways. Wasting less and creating more, I’ll attempt to create one thing a day. Being more creative with food, and things that would otherwise maybe be thrown out deemed useless to my immediate thought. Creativity may still be in the back seat but now it will be in the middle of the back seat, so I can still see it in the rear view!

Creativity is like a muscle for me that I need to stretch. When I don’t, life gets tense and uncomfortable. It’s not as easy to sit down for an hour and sew a full project start to finish like I used to. Or to weave a piece of art with a baby on my lap pulling at the strings.
Creativity with little ones
I’ve figure out a few ways around the tiny humans at my feet when it comes to practicing a hobby. Now that balance is being restored in my motherhood, I think it’s a good time to start back up the few things I’ve paused. Hobbies like learning guitar and playing music in general, sewing, weaving and writing.

This year I won’t forget about the artist in me. I’ll nurture it back to a new glory it’s never seen. Stretch into new facets I haven’t tried. Quilting and actually practicing guitar.
I may not be able to something tangibly creative every day but I will keep a journal and keep you updated on what’s to come!
In creative gratitude friends,
[…] Coloring/more art- We were gifted many art projects for Christmas, so I’ve been encouraging more arts and crafts, which helps me to prioritize my own creativity. […]