Renewal over Resolution: A New Year’s Lament

Resolution expects us to resolve those issues of our past year. One of trials, challenges, loss and loneliness. But if I see things as they are, exactly as they were meant to happen, instead of seeking to change it, then it turns into something different. A lesson to be learned, a course we took that was tough but still came to the destination. This year, I plan to just have a renewal instead of resolve. I hope to be more convicted and disciplined. Standing firmer in my beliefs and habits of lifestyle. 

This blog has been so many things for me. It’s a stomping ground of thoughts and musings for myself and potentially others too if they find value in it. That was the whole purpose, but the passion behind it was because I just love to write. It’s ones of my favorite means of expression. Especially, as I grow older and more introverted.

There are many renewals I plan to make this year. I’ll be posting more (yeah, I’ve heard that one before) on here and I’d like to dial in on what this blog is about. Maybe that means doing some makeover on it or ‘rebranding’ as they say in the marketing world, but I want to renew this blog in a way that you, my dear reader, can understand why I do this. 

It’s become a hodgepodge of random topics I’m currently interested in. And thats great but maybe it needs to be more than that. Who knows! 

I’m not worried about it. 

I will fuss less about the uncontrollable, there’s a resolution for ya! 

I digress…

Slow mothering, renewal of spirit, and musings of the season

The renewal that winter brings is one I have come to look longingly forward to. I pine for the snow to blanket the summer green. To bundle in so many layers that it’s hard to bend my knees. 

So many changes are coming this year. New state, house, job. Beginning again with the rhythms and rituals we were (mainly me) set deeply into. A new community to find, new church to attend. With short road trips in the future to visit our old house and the friends and family we’ve left behind, for now of course. 

I was worried (see there I was fussing again) that I wasn’t ready for all the change. That I couldn’t handle it. But here I am, typing again on the blog I’ve missed so much. Feeling ready to take the leap into the unknown of change. 

I never took complacency very well anywho. 

It made me stir crazy. 

Renewing my convictions and remembering why I live the way I do. Why our family lives the way we do. How deeply believe and how hard we work. What we work for and Who. 

Here’s to a renewal of our year and ourselves instead of resolving our past. 



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