Walking down the aisles of VOCs and synthetic chemical compounds is just such a delight for me and my family. I love breathing in the heavily polluted air into my lungs and seep it into my skin. Ooooo it’s just the BEST. If you haven’t caught on, I’m being terribly sarcastic. Call me crunchy, call me weird, call me stubborn, but if I can limit the amount of poison that goes into my family’s skin, body, air, and the local waterways, then I’m content. That may mean giving up the last chapter of the book or deleting the HBO app from my phone. It makes space and time for me to do these things when I sacrifice a tiny portion of my day to serve my home and planet. That’s what being a homemaker and a stewardess of the land is all about. I digress. Let’s talk natural cleaning products.
I only make three cleaners. Two sprays and my cloth diaper specific detergent. I use dishwashing liquid, I buy dish soap, both I get in bulk and as clean as I can find within our budget. I have regular powder laundry detergent in a cardboard box. Also, in bulk. We buy soap and shampoo in bulk. Otherwise, these three cleaners are all I need.
First up, the simplest all-purpose cleaner. Glass, counters, mirrors, floors, it works for everything. Save your citrus peels and shove them into a jar. Fill with white vinegar, stick it under your sink for two weeks. Strain and dilute. DONE.
Next is the heavy-duty spray. I use if there happens to be poop somewhere or heavy grime or grease I need to break up.
Natural Cleaning Products- HEAVY DUTY RECIPE
1 1/2 cup water
1 cup white vinegar (I use my infused too)
1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
1-2 Teaspoons dishsoap
15 drops of lemon (for scent & disinfection)
20 drops tea tree oil (for disinfectant & antibacterial)
Mix and dilute. DONE

Natural cleaning products don’t have to be complicated. And you DON’T HAVE to make every single thing in your home. I’ve come to terms with that now. Homemade food and quality time with my kids is what I find value in. So, I’ll spend a few extra dollars in the budget to get the less toxic premade cleaners.
My Cloth Diaper Laundry Detergent
1 grated bar of fragrance free castile soap
2 Cups Borax
2 Cups Washing Soda
Mix and DONE. I put three tables spoons in each load of diapers. It makes about two pounds and lasts me about two months.
There you have it folks! Everything you’ll need to get started in your less toxic life journey! I hope it serves you well and inspires you to create more natural habits.
In gratitude,