I know I may get some crap for this, but I stopped breastfeeding cold turkey. There was such a good vision I had in my head about this time around. Pumping and weaning slowly and decreasing our night feedings. Yeah…no. That was such a pipe dream. I HATE pumping. Absolutely hate it. I can’t get a single minute to myself, let alone twenty to pump out milk and be attached to a machine that my children will attempt to play with. Drying up breastmilk cold turkey is not for the faint of heart. However, I did make a delicious tea to speed the drying up process along. There are so many herbs to to dry up breastmilk, but I picked the popular three to work with. They also happened to be in my spice cabinet and perhaps they’re in yours too. Let me share them with you.
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Herbs to dry up breastmilk quickly
Sage is the most popular among internet-land by far. So why does it work? What is so special about sage and the other herbs that help dry up breast milk? They are anti-galactogogues. Big word, I know. Try to say it out loud! Sage specifically has a natural form of estrogen in it, which by some crazy biology, slows down milk production. Same with mint, parsley and other herbs supposedly. They can help to decrease milk supply naturally the longer you ingest them.
Drying up breastmilk naturally, without OTC drugs, is a marathon and a labor of love. No doubt. It is not for the faint of heart or mind. There will be pain. Just like in labor during pregnancy. I had to surrender to the pain and the herbs just help to dry up my milk supply quicker than had I done absolutely nothing.
During the weaning, I also made sure I was stocked up on my favorite adoptogens and herbs that help alleviate stress. Ashwaghanda and reishi are two of my favorite plant-based helpers! Along with an array of mighty mushrooms to keep my body in check! Not to mention, lots of cabbage leaves and brussel sprouts!

Tea for drying up breastmilk
Sage – 2 Tablespoons
Mint – 1 1/2 Tablespoons
Parsley – 1 Tablespoom
Add any floral teas to the mix so it isn’t so pugent, such as a hibiscus tea or blue butterfly tea like I did!
Pour boiling water over your herbs and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain out the herbs through a mesh strainer or cheesecloth. Even a cotton t shirt will do!
Add honey or milk as you please
And enjoy!
I drank mine twice a day for four days and felt a significant decrease in milk production. I stopped making milk around the third day and then continued drinking tea, with cold compresses, and with How MANY days was able to be done with the season of breastfeeding (for now). Milk was done producing around 10 days, still uncomfortable and was completely gone by 14. I stopped drinking my tea around 10 days though. I missed my coffee.
If you decide that making tea for drying up your breastmilk simply isn’t for you, Earth Mama Organics makes a delightful tea which is a very similar blend!