Today, I write from my basement and the cloudy grey skies are barely lighting my makeshift desk. However, the light at the end of my current cloth diapering tunnel is becoming brighter and brighter. My cloth diaper journey with my second born, Gus, is nearing an end. His potty learning is better and better every day. It’s really just me that needs to make the commitment and buckle down in making it happen, for real. I have loved this cloth diaper journey so much that I write about it often. Actually, I could write about more. So, I told myself I would share ALL MY SECRETS and tips that I possibly can to make this an easy process for you too. Today, friends, let me share cloth diaper accessories that will make cloth diapering easier.
I decided to also add the ‘cons’ to each accessory just so you have ALL the information. There is always bad things with the good.
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New to cloth diapering and want to dive in but don’t know where to start? This comprehensive, in-depth resource guide has EVERYTHING you need to know to get started with reusables!
My most useful cloth diaper accessories
Potty Pail- Any kind of sprayer will do. There are even DIY ones if you’d prefer that. This is a pretty affordable one here, but we went with an American small business to help support the people. A decent pre-wash can save you from stains, especially when baby starts eating solid foods. It is also great if you formula feed because sometimes those poops don’t wash off as easily in a washer. This makes knocking the solids off so much easier. It’s a convenience for sure, but there are a lot of ways you could affordably have a sprayer to help the cloth diaper laundry routine.
Con-It takes up a fair amount of space, so if you’re limited on that maybe just having a sprayer attachment without the bucket would be better. The toilet is a good enough bucket if you really need one! We have a utility/ bathroom type of deal downstairs that’s just one big room with all those big appliances like hot water heater, furnace, etc. I have spare space down there but certainly don’t have any in the family bathroom.
Puracy stain spray– Seriously, the best stain spray. I use it for EVERYTHING. I’m talking everything. I’ve gotten raspberry juice out of linen, grass off of jeans, grease off Carhartts, coffee out of white cotton; it’s a magical spray. Truly. Its plant based, free off toxins and safe for cloth diapers. This plus sun bleaching, woo hoo for clean cloth diapers!
Con- I suppose just coming in plastic? It is recyclable, and I’ve only had to buy one spray bottle. It has a refill bulk bag that is also recyclable. An alternative could be to just buy the big bulk refill bag and put it in your own glass bottle.

Snappis– Your best friend for quick and easy changes. This is only necessary for prefolds and flats, but I’d recommend buying a three pack at least and keep them in the car, diaper bag, and at home. There are always those days when you’re out of diapers and the with the Snappi, you can use spare towels, blankets, any square fabric as a diaper!
Con- If you don’t have a cover on (for some loose diaper naked time like we do), it can snag on things when they move around or climb. Sweaters, couch fabric, random snags can happen. Also, they’re quite sharp, which is good for grip but also bad because my little ones have definitely played with them and if they play the wrong way, they can get boo boos.
Planet wise wet bag– An eco friendly cloth diaper wet bag and it keeps smell in very well. This was a random cloth diaper accessory I found secondhand and it still worked well even in its third life! It is double lined and just feels like such a higher quality than the random cheap ones I’ve bought on amazon.
Con- It doesn’t fit as many diapers as my other large wet bag does.
Bum genius travel wet bag- Super small and perfect for the diaper bag. I have three so they go through a rotation when I fill one on an outing and the others serve as a back up for the house if I’m ever behind on laundry, which totally happens!
Con-Just small so it’s not really a long trip wet bag. I like that it’s small, it is a travel size, so I don’t know if I could call this a con!

The cloth diaper hacks
Peri bottle – As a cloth wipe spray bottle. I received two from the hospital, and it’s just perfect for squirting water on your single cloth wipes. I have one in the diaper bag, one at the house.
Con- They’re rather small so you need to refill frequently (a trick is to just have two bottles and keep a rotation!)
Upcycled spice bottles or parmesan cheese shaker for powder- I use straight up corn starch for my powder. So if you buy or make any kind of powder, try this cloth diaper hack! It may just be your new favorite way to recycle a nice glass spice jar!
Whatever you choose to do on your cloth diaper journey, having useful cloth diaper accessories can make the journey so much smoother.
I hope some of these can inspire your decisions in beginning to cloth diaper!
What are some cloth diaper extras that you are enjoying or have enjoyed in the past? Let me know in the comments!
In gratitude,