We had plans. Big plans. Keyword being HAD of course. The plans all happened, but just not according to a plan. Did that all make sense? Or was that a suessical of a statement? Anyway, the chickens are in the coop. The garden is flourishing. However, all the sod has not been torn up, and soil still needs tilling. The chickens haven’t started laying. Nonetheless, the tiny homestead is slowly taking shape.
Soon enough we’ll have fresh eggs from our hens. We will be delighting in the glorious bounty of our VERY laborious work. Mostly of my husbands hand, thank you Stuart, I love you more than you know! And eventually we’ll actually know what the heck we’re doing. Because let’s face it, we have no clue. We have a dream and we have the drive. As the saying goes where there’s a will, there’s a way, and thank you Lord we have somehow found a way.

I feel like we are so behind on starting this but we were in the military awaiting our release, and just biding our time until then. Small backyard raised beds in our rental were all we could really manage at the time. No chickens, no renovations, just the simple stuff.
Now we’re on to the next chapter. The garden is on a larger scale but with chickens added to the mix. And holy cow that is a whole other post because neither of us know what we’re doing with those big floofs.
Moving on.
Our plans.
Well, the idea of a plan I suppose.
We wanted a big garden and a compost pile. Which happened and is still in progress but as we are building, we’re learning that
1. We are NOT carpenters &
2. Some plans either weren’t thought out, were messed up in the process or just didn’t happen the way we thought.
Having said that, we are very good at figuring out ways around our wonky moments.
Like how are the chickens going to get from the coop to the outdoor run?
BOOM. Chicken bridge.

How’re we going to get them up to the bridge?
BAM. Chicken ladder.
Ah crap. We planted the wrong seeds in the bed next to the other climbing plant bed.
Welp, we will just have to cut the trellis in half instead of running it along the two.
Our toddler pulled some seedlings thinking they were weeds? No biggie, we planted extra seeds!
See? We totally know what we’re doing…
Kind of. Somewhat.
Some things are a bit hodgepodge.
Like our carabiner secured compost/ chicken run area.

But it’s all we had and it works so that will do!
We’re on a budget. We have one income, two kids, and not much previous knowledge of full fledged homesteading.
But with time, patience, determination, zip ties and chicken wire we can do anything!
So when I grow up (to be a seasoned homesteader of course) I aspire to be on the level of Shaye and her family, and yes we’re on a first name basis of course. (HAH in my dreams! I definitely did have a dream that I worked for her though!)
Back to the real stuff, our plans.
Build a tiny homestead.
Large gardens.
Have chickens.
Keep bees (later on).
Have a dairy cow (or a farm share).
That’s the plan so far! Two are in the works and the others will have to come later. I’m still in the child bearing season of my life and we did JUST move across the country 6 months ago. We only have just shy of 1/4 of an acre to work with.
One task at a time, and one day at a time. I have very young children and am still learning to keep our home and now steward our land.
Cheers to the beginning of our tiny homestead!