Taking Pride in Being a Simple Homemaker

Firstly, I’d like to thank the women of Homemaker Chic, because without them I’d be a hot mess mom and my own mother would push daisies at the thought of me being that way. Another shout out to my mom because she worked a full-time job and still always had food ready, a clean, beautiful home, and managed to be a radiant woman herself. How she did it all, I’ll never know. However, I’m in the position now where I’m a full-time homemaker and I take such pride in being able to do this for my family. Nowadays, I no longer say ‘I’m JUST a homemaker’ or ‘I’m JUST a stay-at-home mom’. I hold my title very proudly because I love what I do, I’m passionate about it, and I’m certainly not JUST that; I’ve become much, much more.

Being a homemaker never occurred to me as a ‘job’ you could have. It’s certainly not a ‘career’ but there are plenty of women who have made it into such. Simultaneously, being confident and intelligent enough to make a monetary business out of their world. All the while, I struggle to get laundry out of the basket into drawers. But hey, who doesn’t? When I became a SAHM, it was a rough transition. I won’t lie. It was not as glamorous and simple as it looks in the blogs. It was a lot of crying and pooping. Me and the new baby of course! It somehow started to balance itself out though. I began figuring it out along the way.

As a homemaker, I wear many hats. Trust me, there are certainly those days where not all the hats stay on my head, but I pick them right back up and continue to move forward with grace. Most days I take the role of housekeeper, cook, teacher, nanny, cleaning lady, laundress, seamstress, baker, gardener, chicken chaser, dog walker, baby entertainer…you get the picture. All the while not being paid for any of it. Not to mention the maiden in me still wants to be an artist, musician, writer, poet, crafter, and quilter.

Homemade scones

That was the tough pill to swallow. Not contributing monetarily because I grew up in a family where it was very crucial to make money for yourself and have an income to support the home. I’ve been working since I was barely 15 and not getting a paycheck for the hardest job I’ve ever had threw me into a tornado of emotions.

I know I contribute SO MUCH to our family, and I won’t let myself forget how valuable yet priceless that is. Even though, I don’t make an “income”.
However, now that I’ve somewhat deciphered how to manage a home, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I absolutely love my job.


Don’t mind me, I had to say it twice…just for emphasis!

Seriously, it’s the hardest one I’ve ever had, but BYFAR the best. Bar NONE.

I’m happy to take pride in being a homemaker!

After taking some much needed advice from the women of Homemaker Chic, I have realized that this is an important job and should be treated as such. I would never show up to work with a messy bun and sweats. Why would I do that in this job?

So, I quit being that stereo type that I never was.

I stopped saying I was a stay at home mom.

No longer do I say meekly that I am JUST a homemaker.

Now, I make the bed every morning, I put on clothes and actually do something with my hair. Not anything fancy most days, just a braid or a simple ponytail will suffice. My leggings are reserved for yoga or long hikes. My messy bun days are behind me! Mostly.. I’ll still throw it up on top of my head if I need to throw down around the house, if you know what I mean!


So to all homemakers and stay at home moms, you are so much more than JUST that. We can take some pride in being a homemaker again, it’s okay!

Let’s start glorifying this job again for our family, God and, yes, for ourselves too!

Cheers to homemakers and stay at home moms!

How do you feel about all this? Has it struck any chords in your heart? Or lit any fires under your bum? I know it did for me!

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